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When a flyer was put up in the NSW Dillwynia Correctional Centre for a new book club last year, the program was filled in just three hours.
I pretty much have to pick and choose who I ring because it costs way too much money to ring each of my kids.
Now about jail and what it does to you inside: you learn to suppress your feelings and show your anger or bravado. But what happens then to you? You forget how to love.
Before anything I am a human being. As I’ve learnt, this is quite important to remember.
I am nearly 72 years of age, and I have been in a prison or institution for all but eight or ten years of my life. So I would know a bit about Christmas lunch in the prison system.
A couple of months ago I began attending education here and found a program called “BK SB”, which brings students’ ability to manage English and maths up to scratch.
How many times have you heard these words?
I just read issue 5 November 2024. There was an article titled “Bodies in Cages: Trans Experiences in Prison”. Being a trans woman myself, I wanted to share my story of experience in custody.
Look at the bare roofs across our jails, put some solar panels on all of them and turn them all into power stations, effectively reducing power bills everywhere!
It’s my first time being inside. My anxiety, fear, depression and mental health are heightened with extra volume.
A program in Ballarat, Victoria is connecting regular community members with people in prison. The program, ‘The Future Shapers,’ conducts tours of local prisons and sit-down group interviews with inmates.
The latest in criminal justice around the country, including Grafton Gaol getting an upgrade that caters towards growing health needs, a new report on wellbeing within Tasmanian prisons, recent changes to parole laws in Queensland and more.
It was just another typical day in jail when word arrived. As soon as my name was called and the paper handed to me at morning muster, mixed feelings of surprise and anticipation began welling up inside.
“Parole approved pending housing.” This is by far the worst sentence I have heard in prison.
It was the sweltering Sydney summer of '79 and AC/DC was the most potent new rock band on earth. Their latest album, Highway to Hell, had caused a storm, but the earth was already shaking for Back in Black, which would tear the rock music world apart the following year.
It was me that created the change, I did it all!! Not prison: prison hurt me, prison did not offer healing or reform my behaviour. Prison deployed its violence onto me that I am still working through today.
In this series, we showed that arguments are attempts to persuade people to act or believe something. The strongest arguments are sound arguments.
It can be very hard to get medications for opioid dependence in prison and in the community. This article will try to explain why.
Anger can be a confusing emotion, especially when it doesn’t seem to fit the situation you are in.
First, in a 1.8 litre tub, microwave the past and one or two spoons of margarine in an even mix of water and gaol milk. Simmer for up to eight or ten minutes until soft or springy. Stir frequently. When done, set the mixture to one side for the moment.
First, part-cook the oriental fried rice, adding noodles toward the end, and set aside for the moment.
Join the dozens of law firms and other organisations advertising in Australia’s monthly prison newspaper.
If you believe your right to a fair trial has not been provided, you should seek advice from a lawyer.
A parole order will include general and specific conditions. These include getting approval from the relevant authority for any travel interstate, or overseas.
For many of us, the idea of re-entering society after incarceration can feel like standing at a crossroad, unsure of which way to go.
About Time spoke to Uncle Robbie Thorpe, a First Nations activist and truth-teller, about his fight for sovereignty for Aboriginal people.
This goanna represents me and the dots represent the people in my life. The dots on the goanna are the loved ones in my life and the people who have had an impact and made a difference in my life.
‘Back to Black’ charts Amy's life from her teen years through to her success as a world famous musician and singer.
The genre is crime fiction, set in the Australian outback, in rural, sometimes insular communities where everyone seems to know everyone else. This is set in the outback NSW town of Cobb where a woman, a local school teacher, has been stoned to death.
Whether it's going up or down or just round and around I cannot figure it anymore.
My whispers every night never reached you it seems
Now I only see you in my vivid dreams
I see the pain in your lost eyes,
And see, all your life ends in cries,
Icy fingers clawed the nape of the old man’s neck as swirling wind whipped up dust and debris into Jack’s tired weathered face.
Alone in a world of darkness and pain
The world there outside, I don't see the rain
Is the sun shining brightly? I really don't know
There's no place to turn and nowhere to go
Help us get About Time off the ground. All donations are tax deductible and will be vital in providing an essential resource for people in prison and their loved ones.
Help us get About Time off the ground. All donations are tax deductible and will be vital in providing an essential resource for people in prison and their loved ones.