Australia's National Prison Newspaper

Australia's National Prison Newspaper

Australia's National
Prison Newspaper



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Advertising in About Time is a unique opportunity to reach an otherwise shuttered population.

Criminal lawyers

Dozens of criminal law firms have already placed ads in our monthly editions, distributed to more than 30,000 people across more than 80 prisons in six states and territories. There is no other platform in Australia that will give you access to people who, at some point in their future, will require support from an understanding criminal lawyer.

Other entities

The paper also regularly includes advertisements purchased by personal injury law firms, second chance/reintegration employment organisation, and not-for-profits and government agencies offering services to people in prison or post-release.

Place an ad today!

About Time is published by a national charity, and there are therefore no conflicts of interests with our advertisers. Our friendly designer can help your organisation put the ad together. You can choose to advertise one-off, or on a discounted recurring basis. There is no contact required and no penalty for cancellation.


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Full Page

W: 265mm
H: 385mm

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Half Page

W: 265mm
H: 188mm

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Quarter Page

W: 265mm
H: 91.5mm

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W: 265mm
H: 50mm

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Half Split

W: 130mm
H: 188mm

Positioned on either side of the page.

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Quarter Split

W: 130mm
H: 91.5mm

Positioned on either side of the page.

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About Time is the national newspaper for Australian prisons and detention facilities

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